Monday, May 21, 2012

#8 DMACE Challeng Highlights

This video is all about crushing Titanium balls that were crafted in a machine to test their durability, sounds awesome right? Wrong.  It may not be quite as bad as I make it sound, and there are some neat graphics and some fascinating information that is worth watching.  This is a shortened highlight reel of the full video which was much longer.  Teams were charged with creating these titanium balls and they competed to see which took the most pressure to crush and this is the result.  I only did the editing; all of the shooting was handled by another group.  Take a look.

I know this was not the most exciting video on this blog, but it was a learning experience.  Editing can sometimes be about taking the unattractive and uninteresting and trying to make it come off as a masterpiece.  I have no illusion that this is the case here, but I would like to think that I was able to make this video accessible and maybe even enjoyable to the majority of people that watch it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

#7 Awards Night 2011

Every year out here at the lab there is an awards night to honor all of those that achieved special recognition in their field throughout the year.  Every year they do a video of different people talking about the winners and it is sweet but excruciatingly boring.  Last year they wanted to switch thing up a little and make it shorter and loads more fun.  The concept we settled on was our own labs version of the Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” and was performed by one of the lab employees and his band.  I have included the original for you to use as a reference.

Original Bob Dylan Video

Saturday, May 19, 2012

#6 Superhydrophobics

Superhydrophobics is by far one of the most incredible technologies I have ever seen and was very fascinating to work on.  This was a collaboration piece between a few of us working here at the lab in an attempt to generate interest in marketing this technology.  I had the opportunity to participate in the preproduction of this project which is not typical and I got to shoot and edit the piece.  This was a team effort and everyone involved deserves the highest amount of praise for their work.  The most exciting part is that this video was picked up and shown on several national scientific websites.

Friday, May 18, 2012

#5 Wedding Bells

I love shooting video, it is exciting and invigorating and just plain fun.  But there is one thing I hate to shoot, that is weddings.  So often things move at their own pace, and unless there is great communication beforehand so many things go by without being captured.  Like most of the events of the wedding day you can’t just stop and say hey the lighting was bad or you know I can get a better angle let’s run the ceremony one more time, it just doesn’t happen.  Luckily this is not one of those events.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

#4 Let Me Hear You Say Hip Hop!

I have a friend, Mr. Kobayashi, who is very active in the local hip hop community and frequently hosts shows.  Every so often one of these shows will be bigger and more elaborate, or is centered on a central theme.  There is a local radio show that features local artists and does a great job of helping unknowns get their foot in the door.  My friend works a great deal with the Edutainment Hip Hop Show and decided it was time to show some appreciation.  He threw them a show to thank them for the great work they do.  ENJOY!